The film took 94 days to shoot, and the male lead Colin Farrell broke his arm and ankle during the filming. The film tells the story of Alexander's (Colin Farrell) dreams, glory and adventure life when he was young, his lonely life after conquering the world and his mysterious death. His unusual relationship with General Hephaistion (Jared Leto) is also proudly shown. Alexander's mother (Angelina Jolie) also played an extraordinary influence in his life. Alexander was very smart since he was a child. He was taught by Aristotle. When he grew up, he was awarded the post of governor of the capital. He was appointed commander of the Macedonian army for his meritorious service in pacifying bandits. He swept the chaos of the Greek city-state with his father. He integrated Eastern and Western cultures, encouraged intermarriage between ethnic groups, and advocated equal status between ethnic groups. He spread Greek thoughts and laws everywhere, pioneered the culture of the Hellenistic era, but died at the age of 33.