Thirty-year-old Ota (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) is a web designer who lives alone in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo. One day, the news of the death of his father who ran an udon shop in his hometown made Souta return to his hometown of Kagawa Prefecture after a long absence. Unexpectedly, he met a child named Poko (voiced by Shiho Furushimon) in the store. Who knew that this seemingly ordinary child who had a supreme love for udon was actually a raccoon spirit. In a strange cohabitation life, the two began a strange life. In this quiet and beautiful town, Souta has too many pasts and memories. Shinobu Nakajima (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita), who is a doctor but careless, Sae Fujiyama, an office lady who often visits the store, and Mai Manabe, Souta's former lover, when the lost friends gather again, a new chapter of the story begins.