The story follows the previous one. Kikukawa Reiji (Ikuta Toma) accepted a new task assigned by his superiors - to approach and gain the trust of the gangster leader Todoroki Shubao (Iwaki Koichi) and find evidence of the latter's crimes. An accident gave Reiji the opportunity to enter Todoroki Shubao's home as his personal bodyguard. There, Reiji met the boss's daughter Todoroki Karen (Honda Tsubasa). Karen seemed to be a simple and kind female student, but in fact she was a complete gangster. Under Karen's temptations, can Reiji keep his loyalty to his lover Junna (Naka Riisa)? The newly appointed inspector Kabuto Maya (Eita) mobilized police forces from all sides to track Reiji's whereabouts step by step. At the same time, Karen was kidnapped by Todoroki's nemesis Sakura Mamoharu (Furuta Arata) and was sent to an underground human auction to become a commodity.