This film describes the colorful life of Hokusai Katsushika, a master of Japanese ukiyo-e. Tetsuzo (Ogata Ken) was born in a poor family. When he was young, he became the stepson of the mirror polisher Nakajima Ise (Franki Sakai). Later, he became obsessed with painting and became a disciple, but was expelled by several masters. Later, he fell out with his adoptive father and lived with his daughter Arong (Tanaka Yuko) in the home of his friend Sachichi (Nishida Toshiyuki), who was born a samurai but loved writing. Tetsuzo met the mysterious beauty Azhi (Higuchi Kanako) in the rain and fell in love with her. From then on, he became obsessed with erotic paintings and became very popular. His adoptive father was obsessed with Azhi and committed suicide. Azhi also left without saying goodbye, and Tetsuzo's life fell into a trough. When he was in trouble, Arong and Sachichi (later a literary giant Ryuzawa Makin) helped Tetsuzo overcome the difficulties. Tetsuzo, who traveled all over the world, painted masterpieces such as "Thirty-six Views of the Rich Prison". His daughter, Arong, married Sashichi, who was 82, at the age of 70. Alone, Tetsuzo painted his last masterpiece, "Kinokai no Gu Shindo," while blind.