Due to the unfortunate experience in junior high school, the very strong and serious teenager Sanqiao Lian (voiced by Dai Yongyi) gave up the good conditions for further study and decided to go to Nishiura High School in Saitama Prefecture alone. On the day of the club's recruitment, Sanqiao joined the baseball club that had just successfully transformed as a pitcher. A passionate baseball epic in the high school campus began. In the baseball team, Sanqiao met a group of like-minded friends, and they formed a deep friendship with each other in the hard training and fierce competition. The catcher Abe Takaya (voiced by Nakamura Yuichi) with a carefree but delicate personality, the rebellious and extremely reliable outfielder Hanai Azusa (voiced by Taniyama Kisho), the third baseman Tajima Yuichiro (voiced by Shimono Hiro) with amazing eyesight, and others, led by coach Maria Momoe (voiced by Hayami Risa), they continue to move forward towards the honor of Koshien.