Thousands of years have passed since all of humanity was petrified in an instant by a mysterious phenomenon. Senku, a natural born scientist with a superhuman mind, has awakened. In the stone world where civilization has been destroyed, Senku gathers the power of new partners to build the "Kingdom of Science" with the ultimate goal of restoring the entire world with the power of science. However, the "Armed Empire" led by the strongest high school student, Lion King Tsukasa, is advancing step by step. Tsukasa, who aims to purify humanity, tries to stop the development of science by using powerful forces. After a fierce battle between science and force, the Science Kingdom of Senku and others prevailed, and the two countries finally reconciled. Tsukasa, who was in a cold dormant state due to the rebellion of his companions, aims to revive all of humanity. The Science Kingdom targets the source of the petrifying rays, the back of the earth, the new world! Break out of the world and solve the mystery of petrification! The Age of Discovery in the Stone World has finally begun -‼