Fifty-year-old Fumi (played by Satomi Kobayashi) lives alone in a coastal town. She leads a regular life every day. She does some aerobics in the morning, has lunch with her colleagues on the embankment in the sea breeze at noon, and reports to the community alcohol rehabilitation meeting on time after get off work. The ordinary life day after day was changed by a meteorite that fell from the sky one night. After this one in a hundred million chance came, Fumi gradually discovered all kinds of people, things, and things around her that she had never paid attention to in the past. The new love of her widowed friend turned out to be a monk who chanted for her deceased husband; the first love of the little boy next door, Kohei, who was very happy and sad; the unknown and amazing face behind the alcohol rehabilitation mentor; and the new face who just arrived in the town, the man Goro (played by Yutaka Matsushige) who is good at blowing beautiful music with dew grass leaves. The two of them noticed each other and fell in love. They did not ask about each other's past, nor did they think about the distant future. They just shared the present and stopped to feel the long-forgotten happiness together, and those sad past events that had been sealed for a long time were miraculously comforted.