"Takahashi Takahashi of the self-operating carriage house", "Takahashi Takahashi", a member of the 30-year-old club from Tokyo, "パン子", Iino Tomoko (はんの・ともこ), and a well-known story, きな歳下ヤンキーのラブストーリー. Gifu's one-man evening party, Tomoko's family, people's cooperation, bitter hands, self-distribution, opinions, and club's boss, subtlety, and acceptance.るなど悩む日々を送っていた.ある日, 自転车で街に出かけた他女は, チェーンが外れたことをきっかけに near the autorickshaw shop を営むTakahashi Liaohei と出会う.ちょっとstrong lead なliaoping をphobic いとsensitivity じるTomoko だったが, 悩みをnegative せず优しく发りTim ってくれる かれていく.