Sisi (played by Zheng Huiyu), a tailor in her 40s, is cheerful and optimistic. With her personal efforts and excellent craftsmanship, she enjoys a good reputation in the industry. Sisi's husband (played by He Jiajin) is the foreman of a famous Chinese restaurant. He moved from Hong Kong to Singapore for many years, but he is dissatisfied with his life. Although the relationship between the couple is dull, they are still loving. The 15-year-old eldest son (played by Wu Jinwei) in his rebellious period seems difficult to communicate, but he has a good character and a smart mind. The 9-year-old daughter (played by Lin Yongyi) has a very close relationship with her mother and is the greatest spiritual comfort in Sisi's life. Sisi's life suddenly has two major turning points. One is that her husband intends to resign and plans to move his family to Hong Kong to open a restaurant with others. Secondly, Sisi finds out that she has stage 4 breast cancer. In the meantime, a sexy female model in her 20s (played by Yao Huimin) comes to Sisi's tailor shop. The two develop a short friendship that changes each other's outlook on life and also affects Sisi's relationship with her family. As a woman, what kind of sacrifice does Sisi need to make for her family and herself? Only in this way can we gain more precious time and leave indelible memories for our children.