Kagami Jun (played by Akira Yasuda), an office worker who had a failed marriage, has been married to his second wife Chie (played by Nana Eikura) for three years. For him, the "three-year itch" is imminent, and he and his wife must think carefully about whether it is necessary to continue this marriage. One night when Kagami returned home from get off work, he was horrified to find Chie lying in a pool of blood, but he soon discovered that his wife was using this method to make him happy. Originally thought that it was just a whim, who knew that Chie would die in front of Kagami every day in various ways. Kagami tried his best to cooperate with his wife's performance, while also thinking hard about the true meaning behind Chie's actions. For this reason, he complained to his workplace friend Sano (played by Ryohei Otani), but the other's seemingly happy marriage also had an insurmountable gap. His wife's performance is still going on, where will their marriage go... The movie is based on a question on Yahoo Japan's Chie Bag in 2010. The strange behavior of his wife written by the questioner caused a great response on the Internet at that time.