A highly decomposed body was found in an apartment in Katsushika, Tokyo. The police initially found out that the deceased was Michiko Oshitani from Shiga Prefecture, and her death was actually murder. Detective Matsumiya (Junpei Mizobata) of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1 found that Oshitani went to the theater to visit and watch the stage play of her school friend Hiromi Asai (Nanako Matsushima). Although Asai had a sufficient alibi, her photo with Kyoichiro Kaga (Hiroshi Abe) still caught Matsumiya's attention. At the same time, a burned body was found near the apartment where Michiko was killed. A relic at the scene made Kaga very excited because it was inextricably linked to his mother, whom he had not met for many years. The two cases, as well as the missing person, connected Asai and Kaga again... This film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Keigo Higashino, a famous Japanese mystery writer.