The story takes place in the late Tang Dynasty. Dugu Zhongping (played by Chen Haomin) is an unknown little painter, but he is accidentally involved in a serial murder case in Chang'an City. Wei Ruozhao (played by Qiu Cixuan) has an extraordinary memory and can remember everything she sees. By chance, she met Dugu Zhongping and was attracted by his unique temperament. She decided to follow him and help him investigate the truth of the case. Li Xiuyi (played by Yuan Wenkang) also joined in, and a complicated love triangle was involved between the three. As the investigation deepened, a criminal group called "Thousand Faces Buddha" gradually surfaced. What shocked Wei Ruozhao and Li Xiuyi was that Dugu Zhongping, who seemed honest and ordinary, was actually a member of it. The three of them were getting closer and closer to the truth step by step, and danger was also approaching them step by step.