After Zhu Ting (played by Yang Shu), the heir of the "Lu Ban Divine Axe School", learned that Lu Xiaofeng (played by Zhang Zhilin) held a counterfeit Datong Baobao silver note, he sent the head of the police to trick Lu Xiaofeng into the prison. Zhu Ting's original printing plate has been destroyed, and he must find Zhu Ting's senior brother Yue Qing (played by Tang Qilong) to carve a new version, but Yue had died of the plague a few years ago. The only remedy is to find Yue's daughter Wuyan (played by Yang Lijing) immediately. The son of the Datong Baobao, Hua Manlou (played by Zhang Zhiyao), sent someone to release Lu Xiaofeng from the prison, and secretly gave him "Three Days Soul-Destroying Powder" during the banquet, ordering Lu Xiaofeng to solve the case within three days, otherwise he would kill himself without the antidote. Lu Xiaofeng found Qian Lao Da (played by Huang Pinghuan), the shopkeeper of Datong Baobao, and analyzed the counterfeit banknotes and concluded that the counterfeit silver notes came from the Jile Tower of the Fengyuechang. On a dark and windy night, Lu Xiaofeng and his friend Sikong Zhaixing (played by Zhang Mingda) visited Jilelou and unexpectedly discovered Yue Qing's daughter Wuyan and Hua Manlou. All signs indicate that Jilelou has a major connection with counterfeit banknotes...