This film is the sequel to "The Mask", one of the three box office hits in 1994. Tim (Jamie Kennedy) and his wife Du Ya (Traylor Howard) live a quiet life. One day, his dog found a green mask. Tim, who accidentally put on the mask, possessed magical powers and uncontrollable madness, which made his colleagues and boss look at him differently. Nine months later, his son Will was born with strange superpowers. This immediately attracted the attention of the original owner of the mask, "God of Mischief" Loki (Alan Cumming), and Loki's father, the one-eyed Odin, ordered him to take the mask back. At this time, Tim also wanted to find the mask as soon as possible to complete the creation of the cartoon character required by the boss. At this time, Loki was getting closer and closer to them, and Du Ya also left the town for a business trip, leaving Tim Mei to play the role of a full-time father. When Will was able to gradually master this superpower, Loki finally found this family...