The "O" in the SWORD area is called the "dark and evil high school" Oniya High School. There are part-time and full-time schools, and the part-time school captain, Murayama Yoshiki (Yamada Yuki) is the head of Oniya High School. A full-time freshman who transferred to Oniya High School, Hanaoka Kaede Shio (Kawamura Ichima), is determined to take over the world of full-time schools in order to challenge Murayama one day. The new generation of factions, including the Todoroki (Maeda Koki) and Shiba (Ryu), who are in the leading position in terms of strength, the Todoroki faction of Tsuji (Suzuki Kohide), the Nakaoka faction led by the second-year Nakagoshi (Kamio Kaede), and the Nakaoka faction led by the one-year-old Nakaoka (Nakajima Ken), the Taishi (Sato Ryuji) and Kiyoshi, who are famous for their brutal fighting style, and the Tsukasa faction led by Tsukasa (Yoshino Kitato) and his subordinate Jam Man (Fukuyama Kōhei), who once lived in the same area as Kaede, ushered in a great Warring States era for hegemony. In the neighboring town of Toaru in the SWORD area, the power of the strongest army, the Hosen Academy, where all members except the cadres are bald, is gradually increasing. In the past, the four kings of the Fengxian school, led by the leader Ueda Sachio (played by Jun Shison), Odashima Arikura (played by Shiono Eihisa), Sawamura Shoji (played by Aoi), Incheon Eimei (played by Koyanagi Shin), and Shida Kenzo (played by Arai Atsushi), and the cadres Sabakan (played by Ryotaro Sakaguchi), have gathered the strongest lineup. At this time, the students of Fengxian are suddenly attacked by someone who calls himself Oniya High School, and at the same time, the students of Oniya High School are also attacked by someone who calls himself Fengxian. The reason for the attack on the companions is an opportunity for the two schools to become hostile to each other and murderous. The Oniya High School, which has overwhelming power and the personality group led by Kaede Shio, and the Fengxian Academy, which is organized by Sachio, are at the riverbank at dusk. The decisive battle begins between the peaks that collide with each other.