My Father's Dragon is a 2D animated family film directed by Nora Tomei (The Secret of Kells, The Breadwinner) and written by Meg LeFauve (Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur). The story is by Meg LeFauve and John Morgan, who also serve as executive producers. Bonnie Curtis and Julie Lynn (Mockingbird Pictures) are co-producers with Paul Young (CartoonSaloon, The Secret of Kells, The Breadwinner) and Tom Moore. Based on Ruth Stiles Gannett's Newbery Award-winning children's novel, My Father's Dragon tells the story of Elmer Elevato, a young runaway who searches for a captive dragon on Savage Island and finds something far beyond his expectations. Alan Moloney and Ruth Cody (ParallelFilms) will executive produce alongside Gerry Schilling.