Goro Inogashira, played by Yutaka Matsushige, travels on a business trip at the end of the year, touring the three prefectures of Kagawa, Ehime, and Hiroshima in the Setouchi region on the 30th and New Year's Eve. Goro's eating style at the Yakiniku Ramen restaurant, where he was moved and said, "It's so delicious, I can't keep up," caught people's attention. This is a food documentary TV series depicting the supreme happiness of the protagonist Goro Inogashira, who is an import grocer, visiting a restaurant he found at his business office and eating whatever he wants freely. During this business trip to the Setouchi region, he took a break from work and tried a variety of food from local rice to energy rice. There are also experiences that can only be found in the Setouchi region. The guest actors of the unique characters that Goro met on the business trip have also been announced. Actor Akira Emoto plays the chef who treats Goro to exquisite dishes in a mysterious restaurant. In this program, Goro, who is troubled by the order, responds with humor. Midori Kimura plays the female chef in the restaurant that Goro enters in Hiroshima City after he suddenly learns that he must return to Tokyo as soon as possible. Dankan plays the female chef's regular customer, and Momiji Yamamura plays the "noisy old lady" that Goro meets on the bus. Shinji Takehara, a former boxer who once held the WBA World Intermediate Champion, will also appear.