In order to treat his mother's illness, Zhang Sanjin (played by Shen Teng), a young man who grew up in the mountains, brought his mother to the bustling metropolis of Shenzhen, where he worked and took care of his mother. In an accident, Zhang Sanjin met the beautiful blind girl Huaer (played by Xu Lingyue). Huaer sympathized with the experience of Zhang Sanjin and his mother, and took the initiative to come to Zhang Sanjin's house and took the responsibility of taking care of the old lady, which moved Zhang Sanjin very much. In the end, the two came together and entered the wedding hall hand in hand. Huaer has loved singing since she was a child. Her voice is ethereal and beautiful, and she can often touch people's hearts. Finally, Huaer's talent was recognized by the audience. She became popular overnight and became a household name, and her eye disease also had hope of being cured. Although he was happy for his wife from the bottom of his heart, Zhang Sanjin felt more uneasy and inferior.