"Mu Mansion" tells the story of the bloody struggle for power and the changes of power within the Mu family during the Ming Dynasty when the Mu chieftain of Naxi in Yunnan ruled the local area. Qiu Xiuyan plays the female head of the Mu family and her enemy Aleqiu. She has been lurking in the Mu family for 20 years with a family feud. She is very scheming, but she can't lose her natural kindness and innocence. She fell in love with Mu Zeng, the grandson of the Mu family, but she couldn't commit suicide together, but she stopped at the last moment to save his life. After going through many hardships and marrying her lover Mu Zeng, she endured humiliation and fought secretly with various forces, leading the Mu family to break through the predicament, and finally gained trust and respect, resolved hatred and became the head of the Mu family, writing a legendary woman's love and hatred story.