The Simpsons are an ordinary American family of five. Homer (voiced by Dan Castellaneta) is a safety inspector at the nuclear power plant in Springfield. His mother, Marge (voiced by Julie Kavner), was once a thoughtful woman. After marrying Homer, she gradually adapted to the routine of housewife life. Bart (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) is the eldest son in the family. Bart, who is naughty by nature, often likes to play some pranks, so that he often gets into trouble. Sister Lisa (voiced by Yeardley Smith) is a very smart child, and she is also a vegetarian, Buddhist, and jazz music. The little girl, Marge, is a child who never grows up. The story is set in the fictional town of Springfield. It humorously satirizes American culture and society, human conditions, and television itself from many angles, and it is timeless. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom produced by Fox Broadcasting Company. As the longest-running sitcom and animated program in American history, The Simpsons has had a huge impact on pop culture, won numerous awards, and was named the best sitcom of the 1990s by authoritative publications such as Time magazine.