This film tells the story of Wang Xiaoshuai (played by Wang Taili), who was disliked by his wife's family for marrying into the family. He faced a difficult life and was determined to give up everything to realize his dream, so he found his old classmate Xiao Dabao (played by Xiao Yang). The two who had parted ways because of the girl Ma Lu (played by Qu Jingjing) who played the cello got together again and decided to go to the United States to brave the talent show. The two brothers came to New York with great difficulty, but they were involved in gang fights by mistake. Although they just wanted to get a good ranking, they triggered a series of hilarious events. What made them even more confused was that two mysterious killers from North Korea were actually related to this trip. In desperation, the two "old boys" decided to take the big one this time! Whether they can successfully counterattack or die tragically in a foreign land depends on the finals! "Old Boys Crossing the River" is a big movie sequel to the micro-film "Old Boys" that became popular 5 years ago.