In the rural countryside of Niigata, the 18-year-old beautiful girl Hiromi Yamase (played by Naoko Watanabe) finished her high school studies and went to Tokyo with her boyfriend Eisuke. On weekdays, Hiromi has a stable job as an airport ground staff, but she always has a dream of becoming an actress in her heart. By chance, she met the agent of an entertainment company, Masato Natsumoto (played by Ken Mitsuishi), on the street. She never thought that the other party was the head of an AV company. After some consideration, Hiromi decided to refuse to shoot AV as a bottom line and officially join the company. With the popularity of extremely tempting graphic photos, Hiromi gradually accumulated popularity, and at the same time, she was under pressure from Eisuke and her hometown friends. In the process, she was getting closer and closer to that bottom line... This film is adapted from the autobiography of AV actress Mihiro, and Mihiro herself also played a role in the film.