"River Beast" is a disaster suspense film in the Republic of China produced by Beijing New Studio Film Co., Ltd., directed by Zhang Wei, starring Lin Youwei, starring Hong Siyang, Wang Tingwen, and Jiang Feng. It started shooting in Hengdian on December 8, 2020. In Tianjin Wei in the early years of the Republic of China, the bizarre deaths of dozens of sewer workers caused panic among the people. The broken bodies floating out of the river made the witch assert that water ghosts were haunting and the disaster had come to Tianjin. The laid-off policeman Gu Zhiyuan relied on taking on some small jobs at the dock to support his and his daughter Linglong's livelihood. On this day, the violent river beast rushed ashore and wantonly destroyed houses and lives, and even kidnapped Gu Zhiyuan's daughter Linglong. In order to save his daughter, Gu Zhiyuan and Tang Xiaowei, the sister of his deceased wife, who had a cold relationship with him, joined forces to embark on a journey of redemption about life, family affection, and self-love. On May 24, 2023, the Republic of China disaster suspense film "River Beast" was broadcast.