Lee Jong-su (Yoo Ah-in), a young man who aims to become a writer, usually works part-time to support himself. His father, who runs a livestock business, is naive and involved in lawsuits, forcing Jong-su to run around to save his father. One day, Jong-su meets his former classmate Shin Hye-mi (Jeon Jong-sook) at a large shopping mall. Hye-mi plans to travel to Africa soon, so she asks Jong-su to look after her cat Boil. Soon after, Hye-mi returns to Korea, and a man named Ben (Steven Yeun) gets off the plane with her. Ben drives a Porsche and lives in a luxury apartment. He is carefree, never works, and plays around. He is like heaven and earth compared to Jong-su. For some reason, Ben enters the lives of ordinary people Jong-su and Hye-mi, and tells his new friends about his strange habits. After the night of the gathering at Jong-su's house, Hye-mi seems to have evaporated without a trace... This film is adapted from Haruki Murakami's short story "Barn Burning".