FOX's most successful TV series to date. The show was originally a spin-off of The Tracey Ullman Show, as a one-minute filler. The executive producers of The Tracy Ullman Show, James L. Brooks and Sam Simon, felt that these characters could be made into a half-hour TV series, so they immediately started the longest-running cartoon series in prime time on TV. The Simpsons' frequent appearances have made them widely recognized, for example, they have made a lot of commercials for Butterfinger Candy Bars. "The Simpsons" was originally a series of animated sketches in the FOX comedy sketch "The Tracey Ullman Show", which mainly portrayed the life of the Simpsons in Springfield. The patriarch of the Simpson family, Homer, is not a traditional "family man". As a patriarch, he tries to lead his unruly family members, but often he is the one being led. No matter how embarrassing the situation is, the Simpsons live happily together. The family includes the loving, blue-haired matriarch Marge, the troublemaker son Bart, the surprisingly good daughter Lisa, and the baby Maggie. The family never gets old, but the background of the town of Springfield changes with the times. The residents of Springfield are usually voiced by the following actors: Hank Azaria (including Moe, the bartender), Harry Shearer (Homer's boss Mr. Burns, neighbor Ned Flanders). Other famous guest voice actors include Michael Jackson (playing a psychopath who fantasizes that he is Michael Jackson), Dustin Hoffman, Bob Hope, William H. Macy, Kathleen Turner, Johny Carson, Nsync, Paul McCarthey, and even the Rolling Stones.