The movie "Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters" is directed by Thor Floydsandr, the director of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid". It tells the story of Percy Jackson who spent his seventh grade peacefully in a half-blood concentration camp, but suddenly his life became chaotic. The dodgeball competition with his classmates turned into a death game by mistake, and the ugly cannibal giants also got involved. Percy accidentally discovered that their home and people were experiencing an unprecedented disaster, and they had to find the "Golden Fleece" to save everyone. In order to resolve the disaster, Percy took his friends on an adventure journey without hesitation. They had to complete the mission in the Sea of Monsters to obtain the Golden Fleece and save the half-blood concentration camp facing destruction. In this crisis-ridden adventure, what amazing and unexpected difficulties will they encounter? Can they really overcome the difficulties smoothly and save all their people and the Greek gods?