The story takes place in San Francisco, the United States, where the Asian underworld is powerful. In order to save his colleague Jack (Jason Statham), FBI Asian detective Tom killed a gangster killer, which led to the death of his entire family. When Jack came to Tom's holiday cottage, Tom's family had been burned to ashes. The tragic death of Tom's family has become an irreparable regret in Jack's heart, tormenting him all the time. Three years after the incident, when Jack was investigating the murders of some core figures of various gangs, he found a killer named Roger (Jet Li). He was calm, elusive, and accurate in shooting. On the surface, he took the money of the Chinese gang and secretly served the Japanese gang, but he disobeyed orders and let go of the wife and daughter of the Chinese boss. As the investigation deepened, Roger's secrets were revealed one by one. While Jack was shocked, he had to face the truth of the tragic death of Tom's family again.