The story of "The Circle" is set in the future. The heroine Mae, played by Emma Watson, works for an Internet technology giant called "The Circle". The company links all the user's personal information to its operating system, thus opening a new era of the Internet. Mae met a mysterious colleague named Kalden in the company and fell in love with him. Kalden, played by John Boyega, is actually one of the founders of the company. He created this system with his genius, and finally realized that the "Circle" violated personal privacy and wanted to shut it down. Karen Gillan, as one of the leading actors, also works at the "Circle" company like Emma Watson. She looks a little clumsy on the surface, but actually has a very high IQ. Tom Hanks's current role has not yet been determined. He is likely to play another behind-the-scenes boss of the Circle company. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by writer Dave Eggers (screenwriter of "Where the Wild Things Are"), who will also serve as a co-producer of "The Circle". "The Circle" is tentatively scheduled to be released in 2016, and the specific date has not yet been announced.