After some twists and turns, the former dark-style chuunibyou deep patient Togashi Yuta (voiced by Fukuyama Jun) finally established a romantic relationship with the active chuunibyou addict Rikka Kotoriyu (voiced by Uchida Maaya). Due to her mother's business trip and her grandfather's mistake, Rikka temporarily stayed at Yuta's house, and the two began a real cohabitation life. In a blink of an eye, they were promoted to the second year of high school. In the campus full of youthful atmosphere, Isshiki Makoto (voiced by Hoshi Soichiro) changed his hairstyle, Nibutani Morika (voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu) vowed to dominate the campus, Touma Sanae (voiced by Uesaka Sumire) and Asen's love-hate duel continued, and the third-year "unfortunate student" May 7th Fennel (voiced by Asakura Yukimi) continued to be indifferent. In the beautiful season, good friends gather again, and cute, interesting, romantic and touching stories continue to be staged...