In the British countryside far away from London, Peter Rabbit (voiced by James Corden) lives a happy life with his family and friends, except of course Mr. McGregor, the neighbor who invaded his free land and killed his father. Every day, Peter Rabbit breaks into McGregor's yard to steal fruits and vegetables, and by the way, he confronts this stubborn and cruel old guy. But one day, McGregor died accidentally. The happy rabbits broke into uninhabited houses with wild animals from the suburbs to eat and drink, which was very uncomfortable. However, the good times did not last long. McGregor's nephew Thomas (Domhnall Gleeson Domhnall Gleeson), an elite who wandered around in London, just lost his job and happened to inherit this house in the country. Thomas came to the countryside and ruthlessly drove the wild animals out, and Peter Rabbit never forgot to take back his own land...