Kaneki Ken (Masataka Kubota), an introverted college student who only knows how to study, shares similar interests with the beautiful girl Kamishiro Rize (Yu Aoi) who meets by chance. Who knows that after a period of dating, Rize reveals a terrible face and intends to eat Kaneki alive. It turns out that Rize is a mutant called "Ghoul", who only eats humans. At the critical moment, Rize died in an accident, and the seriously injured Kaneki was transplanted with some organs from Rize, but he also became a member of the "Ghoul". After Kaneki recovered, he could no longer eat human food. When he was suffering from hunger, he was introduced by Dong Xiang (Fumika Shimizu) who worked in a cafe to live in a safe zone where "Ghouls" gathered. At the same time, CCG senior investigator Mado Goo (Yo Oizumi) and his subordinates are trying their best to track down the whereabouts of "Ghouls". The war between humans and ghouls is about to break out... This film is adapted from the comic of the same name.