The film tells the story of a female supervisory agent (played by Grace) from the Finance Department who is responsible for escorting a batch of $600 million worth of old currency to a banknote shredder for processing. However, a rare hurricane disaster is about to hit the area, and a group of heavily armed thieves want to "take advantage of the wind to rob" after all the residents have been evacuated. When the hurricane reaches the deadly Category 5, all the careful plans are disrupted. They find that they need a vault password, and this password is only known by the female supervisory agent. Her life and the lives of the hostages are threatened. After forming an alliance with a meteorologist (played by Kebbell) stranded in the area, the latter's brother is also kidnapped by thieves. The two have to face the hurricane and the bandits together. After experiencing thrills, they finally defeat the thieves and the hurricane disaster.