Diana (played by Cheng Yuling), a typical urban woman, has impressive career achievements and is also actively managing her love life. However, due to the economic downturn in Hong Kong, she and Wei Dahan (played by Zeng Zhiwei), a small clerk in the same company, are on the list of layoffs. Wei Dahan's wife ran away from home because of gambling in her early years, leaving behind her daughter Qianhua (played by Miriam Yeung) and her youngest son Wanhua to support. He concealed the fact that he had been fired from his children, but the appearance of Diana made Qianhua and her brother know the true situation of their father. It turned out that Diana appeared to participate in a family game with them. Only if they win the game, the TV station will buy their negative assets at the original price. Diana is a selfish and cold person. During the game, she was changed by the feelings that Dahan gave to his children. Qianhua also developed feelings for the director (played by Eason Chan) during the game. They eventually won the game, but the appearance of Qianhua's biological mother completely changed the situation...