This drama is adapted from the spin-off manga "A Certain Scientific Railgun" starring Misaka Mikoto, a popular character in the light novel "A Certain Magical Index" written by Kamachi Kazuma. The story takes place in the huge city "Academy City" which occupies one-third of the western part of Tokyo and is home to 2.3 million people, 80% of whom are students. Academy City is isolated from the outside world and studies the most advanced technology. All students receive superpower development, and most of them obtain superpowers through drugs, hypnosis and electrical stimulation. There are various types of different abilities, which are divided into people with no ability (Level 0), people with low ability (Level 1), people with different abilities (Level 2), people with strong ability (Level 3), people with great ability (Level 4) and people with superpowers (Level 5) according to their range and power. The story begins with the strongest electric princess in Academy City, "A Certain Scientific Railgun" Misaka Mikoto, who met Hatsuharu Shikiri, who is also a member of the Discipline Committee like Kuroko...