In the crisis-ridden investment world, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio), who runs Stratton Oakmont, lives a luxurious life and has great strength. In 1987, 22-year-old Jordan joined Rothschild and started as a switchboard operator. Under the guidance of senior broker Mark (Matthew McConaughey), he entered the world of stockbrokers full of drugs and desires. Six months later, due to "Black Monday", Jordan switched to a small company that sold "penny stocks" and succeeded with his eloquence. He set up a new business with his neighbor Donny (Jonah Hill) and a group of friends, wandering in the gray area and making a lot of profits. He was called the "Wolf of Wall Street". However, the FBI has begun to pay attention to him... This film is adapted from the personal autobiography of former Wall Street stockbroker Jordan Belfort, "The Wolf of Wall Street".