This is a world where humans and orcs coexist, live in harmony and do not invade each other. Humans live in the continent of Azeroth, while orcs work and reproduce in Draenor. One day, the evil orc Gul'dan (played by Daniel Wu) appeared. It opened the door of darkness, slaughtered unarmed humans wantonly, and turned the continent of Azeroth into a sea of fire in hell. At the same time, the orcs who once lived in peace with the world have become fierce and brutal. They came to the territory of humans, burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil. Durotan (played by Toby Kebbell) is the chief of the Frostwolf clan. He discovered Gul'dan's ambitions and conspiracies, so he led his tribe to Azeroth from afar, where the human leader Lothar (played by Travis Fimmel) is also looking for a way to end the war.