In the mid-1990s, at the Langya Special Operations Base of the Chinese Army, the captain (played by Hou Yong) gave the lone wolf special commando a task to recover a satellite wreckage that fell on the border of our country. Within our border, the lone wolf team members exchanged fire with foreign enemies who were looking for our satellite, but the foreign enemy forces withdrew from our country. The lone wolves quickly found the satellite wreckage, but unexpectedly, the foreign enemy forces followed. At this time, they still couldn't contact the wolf cave. Falcon (played by Wu Jing) hit an enemy sniper, Tianlei (played by Zhou Huilin) ran to check, and the enemy who pretended to be dead injured Tianlei's leg. Falcon was shot by the enemy to cover Tianlei and fell down. More than a decade later, He Chenguang (played by Wu Jing), the son of Falcon He Weidong, inherited his father's career and joined the army as a national youth martial arts champion. He also joined the army with Wang Yanbing (played by Xu Jia), a street gangster who didn't know him, and Li Erniu (played by Zhao Xun), a simple rural guy. After going through numerous tests, the three became top-notch brothers, but they still have a long way to go to become excellent special forces soldiers.