Jill Johnson (Camilla Belle), who lives in the Elland Valley, is an ordinary high school girl. Because she spends too much time on the phone, her father Ben (Clark Gregg) orders her to work as a nanny to earn money. Jill had no choice but to apply for the home of Dr. Mendezis (Derek de Lint). Mendezis and his wife Kelly (Kate Jennings Grant) live in a luxurious lakeside villa, and the decoration inside the house is luxurious and noble, which makes Jill dizzy. Her job that night was very simple, which was to stay at home when the Mendezis went out for dinner and take care of their two sick children. Soon the night fell, and the huge villa seemed empty, deserted and weird. At this moment, a series of mysterious calls came in, making Jill panic and uneasy... This film is a remake of the 1979 film of the same name.