"Love Never Closes" is adapted from the 2010 Taiwanese hit drama "Family Harmony Brings Good Fortune". In the early 1990s, the three brothers Zhao Yuanming, Shen Menghuai, and Sun Weitao made their first fortune together. Shen Menghuai died suddenly in a car accident. His wife Lin Meichan believed that Zhao and Sun were responsible, and the three families turned against each other. Twenty-four years later, Zhao Xiaoyun and Sun Jingchen, the children of the Zhao and Sun families, fell in love secretly. With the appearance of a girl named Shen Xiaojun, their relationship was exposed. The opposition of both parents, the intervention of Shen Xiaojun, and the misunderstanding between them and Jingchen did not make Zhao Xiaoyun give up her feelings. Unexpectedly, fate played people, and Shen Xiaojun turned out to be her half-sister. Shen Xiaojun did not know her true identity. She was instigated by her mother Lin Meichan to come under a false name, intending to disrupt the Zhao and Sun families and avenge her family. When the mystery of her life was revealed, she hated her adoptive mother. After understanding the source of Lin Meichan's hatred, Zhao and Sun untied the knot of the three families for many years. The truth was revealed, and Lin Meichan suddenly realized and regretted it. When the three families reconciled, it was like a blessing, turning hostility into friendship, and human feelings warmed people's hearts. The children of the three families inherited their father's business, and poured new public welfare undertakings with beautiful love and friendship, and moved towards glory.