In the bustling metropolis, between the comings and goings, novelist Bu Youran (played by Tang Yixin) is working hard for her new work. At this time, she is suffering from a bottleneck in her creation, and her boss's click-through index makes her even more stressed. In order to find inspiration, she went to explore the underground palace of Buxi Yamala, but it was here that Bu Youran experienced an unforgettable mysterious experience in her life. She seemed to have traveled to Mongolia at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and transformed into Buxi Yamala Gege of the Yehe tribe of the Jurchens, who was carrying the prophecy of "the world can be prosperous or destroyed". After returning to her residence, Bu Youran began to look up Dong Ge's information. In her writing, the gentle, beautiful, stubborn and independent woman, as well as the historical figures around her - Nurhachi (played by Jing Gangshan), Chu Ying (played by Wang Kaiyi), Daishan (played by Zhang Rui), Huang Taiji (played by Lin Feng), and Dorgon (played by Qu Chuxiao) have become vivid one after another... This film is adapted from Li Xin's novel of the same name.