A speeding train carries Yin Jingwan (played by Li Xiaoran), a rich lady from the ancient city of Wuchi, and Murong Peilin (played by Zhong Hanliang), a domineering and high-spirited young marshal of Chengjun, known as Murong Si Shao. A chase brought these two strangers of completely different identities together. After a brief separation, the two each followed the guidance of fate. Si Shao's father died strangely, and he was ordered to take control of the overall situation in the encirclement of the ambitious; Jingwan was looking forward to reuniting with her lover Xu Jianzhang, but the other party was captured by Si Shao for smuggling arms, and his life was in danger. Taking this as an opportunity, Jingwan and Si Shao met again. After a period of getting along, people have different feelings in their hearts. However, in troubled times, wars are raging, and the love between men and women must always be baptized by blood and fire, and an eternal legend has been passed down... This film is adapted from Fei Wo Si Cun's novel "Bi Zhu Chen".