The story is about an unknown actress (played by Shin Dong-mi) who wants to perform a play on stage even if no one comes to watch. She accidentally meets a detective (played by Yoo Jun-sang) who can interpret dreams. She tells him about her dream the night before, and the detective can tell her the difficulties she faces in life through her dream. The story unfolds from here, and dreams and reality are intertwined. [About the movie] This film is a new film directed by Lee Kwang-guk, the director of "Romance Cho". Lee Kwang-guk once participated in the filming of films such as "In Front of the Theater", "Woman on the Beach", and "Summer Summer Summer" as an assistant director of Hong Sang-soo. This new film has Hong Sang-soo's favorite actor Yoo Jun-sang joining, and the whole film also exudes Hong's style.