In the prosperous metropolis, the story of the feminist family Xie family quietly unfolds. Strong mother Wang Xinyan (Song Chunli) is a tiger mother and a dog daughter, and her three daughters also have their own wonderful lives. The eldest daughter Xie Xiaoduo (Zhang Dajing) is bright and beautiful, pampered, with a harmonious family and a successful career, but her jealousy makes her life turbulent; the second daughter Xie Xiaomi (Yang Mingna) lives a much more ordinary life than her sister, but the child’s problem becomes the fuse of all uneasy factors. After all the hard work of her husband’s career, their marriage seems to have come to an end; the youngest daughter Xie Xiaonuo (Wang Likun) is a strong woman in the workplace, but by mistake, she and her subordinate Dai Yaya’s father Dai Gushun (Yu Hewei) have a spark. In a colorful life, the girls of the Xie family have pushed the dominoes of life and are moving towards their respective goals...