The story tells how an annoying boy experienced a series of hardships in life and reached the lowest point in life, and then awakened and became enlightened. It involves information about mind hypnosis, past lives, reincarnation, the present, etc. The whole movie just wants to bring a message to the world. We are asleep, and the sleeping person is unaware. In this unconscious state, we suffer. Waking up is the end of suffering. So how do we wake up? [The movie has a strong philosophical color and reveals many philosophies of life. The most important thing is that most people live in the past and the future, and rarely live in the present. The second time ego appeared in my field of vision, and then this movie told me this word from its unique perspective. Is "I" and "the present" the main line of the movie? The movie has a little too much information, and it was messy after watching it. Jump out of the circle of the small self to see yourself, don't be influenced by external things, live in the present, and accept everything about yourself. It's like the movie version of "Meeting the Unknown Self". A spiritual introductory movie. . (There are not many people who have woken up in this world of more than 7 billion people. For example, Confucius, Laozi, Sakyamuni, Jesus Christ, and these guys. Anyway, it’s very refreshing when you don’t think. The ego will pull you out of the present in various ways because it can’t live in the present, such as cursing. I can’t tell you who I am, but I can tell you who I am not, I am not my narrator. The past and the future, troubles and fears. Wake up! Mortals