"The Universe at Your Fingertips" is a coming-of-age story that revolves around a lonely girl named Yoshikawa Aki. The cast is as follows: Kirishima Nodok, who sang "Soft Object", will play the heroine Yoshikawa Aki, Kitamura Ryo, who starred in the stage play of "Yowamushi Pedal", will play the hero Kanji, Kamura Mami, who became popular for her resemblance to Hashimoto Kanna, will play Yumeko, and Misa Rena, who starred in "Itazura na Kiss" and "Corpse Party", will play Tomoko. The live-action movie of "The Universe at Your Fingertips" will be supervised by Akihisa Taniuchi, Shinichi Nomura will be responsible for writing the script, Kirishima Nodok will sing the theme song of the work, and Takeshi Kobayashi and supercell member Ryo will serve as music producers.