This drama tells the story of a man's life story of a grandson who surrenders to his grandmother who has cancer and comes to South Korea from North Korea to fulfill her last wish. Yoon Yeo-jeong plays the role of Kim Soon, a 90-year-old woman who is the founder and president of "Hotel Paradise". She experienced the liberation in 1930 when she was in her teens and the 625 War in her 20s. She is a person who has experienced the turbulent history of South Korea. She experienced the separation of her husband and children while hiding from the war, and she hopes to see them again one day. Son Ye-jin plays the role of Kim Soon's granddaughter Shi-yeon, who is different from other children of the chaebol family and considers climbing up from the bottom step by step to the highest position of the head of the park. Kang Ha-neul plays the role of Jae-hyun, an unknown drama actor who plays the grandson of Kim Soon who has cancer in order to fulfill his last wish.