During Christmas, the accidental death of Takuya Kashiwagi (Ayumu Mochizuki), a student at Joto Third Junior High School, has plunged all the teachers and students of the school into a long-lasting shadow. Although the police investigation determined that Takuya committed suicide, an anonymous person pointed out that the deceased was actually killed by his classmates Shunji Oide (Hiroya Shimizu), Yutaro Hashida (Miku Kato), and Mitsuru Iguchi (Arita Ishikawa). In order to find out the truth, class monitor Ryoko Fujino (Ryoko Fujino), a foreign student Kaminara Kazuhiko (Mizuo Itagaki) who claims to be Takuya's friend, and top student Yasuo Inoue (Naritada Nishimura) and other peers formed a student court to interrogate the suspects one by one. They withstood the huge pressure from the school and moved step by step towards the snowy night of death... This film is adapted from the classic masterpiece of the best-selling mystery writer Miyuki Miyabe.