The original work is the popular manga "Hate Machiko-sensei" serialized by Takeshi Ebihara since 1980. A live-action movie was filmed to commemorate the author's 45th anniversary in the comics industry. The story tells that Kenta Ikegami worked as a cartoonist in Tokyo 10 years after graduating from high school in his hometown. One day he received a call from his high school classmate Jinzo, saying that his alma mater was about to be demolished, and at this time he was worried about not being able to draw comics. In order to change his mood, Kenta returned to his hometown to reunite with his old classmates and joined the "School Demolition Opposition". After regaining his memories of his former teacher Machiko, Kenta began to pick up the brush again... The actor who plays Machiko is Remi Ozawa, who is active as a magazine cover model and is starring in a movie for the first time. Jun Murakami and Kazuma Ikeda from the comedy group "Shizuru", Tomohiro Sekimachi from the comedy group "Rice", former AKB48 members Yuka Masuda and Maria Suzuki, etc. participated in the film