Based on true events, the film tells the story behind a man wearing a mask. Augusto (Vladimir Brichta) is an artist who seeks his place in the spotlight and follows in the footsteps of his mother, a stage artist active in the 50s. Relentlessly seeking the applause of the audience, he finds his chance to win their affection by becoming the most popular clown TV host of children's shows in the 80s. After donning the clown costume, Augusto achieves unprecedented success. But due to the terms of his contract that prohibit him from revealing his true identity, he becomes an anonymous celebrity. Augusto becomes a clown who brings joy to children across the country, but does not bring joy to his son Gabriel (Cauã Martins). In the eyes of his son, Gabriel, his father is a man who alienates himself in pursuit of fame. The film is full of humor and irony, exaggerating the backstage world of Brazilian television in the 80s. The film tells the surreal story of a man's search for his artistic value and the degeneration of his personality.