"The Piano Moves My Heart" tells the story of a once broken family, a father and daughter with many conflicts, who reconcile after a series of ups and downs. The movie revolves around the main line of "piano". A father with a stubborn personality and obsession with art, a daughter with a rebellious appearance and talented, the conflicts and emotional stories of the two generations are closely linked through the piano. Director Zhou Wei, who once served as the deputy director of "Hero", said that this is a story of mutual salvation with family affection, and in the end everyone found their own spiritual home. Gao Shuguang plays the father who is in a midlife crisis, and the role of the daughter, who has a heavy role, is played by Wu Zhenlin, a little-known Wuhan girl. This girl, born in 1995, is a genuine "post-90s". She studied at Wuhan Foreign Language School, studied piano since childhood, and also studied in the United States and Australia. Therefore, she is also a true performance in the film.